Author name: DVSAdmin

Liver Care

ALL ABOUT LIVER The liver is an organ about the size of a football. It sits just under your rib cage on the right side of your abdomen. The liver is essential for digesting food and ridding your body of toxic substances. LIVER DISEASES Cirrhosis. Hepatomegaly. Hepatitis. Jaundice Hepatoma.   TREATMENTS 01. Ayurvedic Treatment.   02 Medical Treatment   03 Healthy diet habits

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ALL ABOUT LIVER Liver is the first largest abdominal organ and the second largest organ in the human body. It lies between the upper abdominal cavity and below the diaphragm. It has two lobes, the right lobe and the left lobe. The right lobe is the largest lobe that contains cells called lobules. Each lobule contains a central vein or intralobular vein. Functions It secretes bile that is carried through the bile duct. It converts unsaturated fats into saturated fats. It stores iron and vitamin B12 which are necessary for the formation of red blood cells. It produces heparin which is a natural anticoagulant. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are stored. Toxic substances and drugs are inactivated. Factors that harm/damage liver Alcohol Alcohol is dangerous for it. Intake of alcohol should be limited very much. Otherwise, the cells will be damaged and inflammation will result leading to the death of the cells. Fizzy Drinks Occasional consumption of a small amount of fizzy drinks like soda or cola is fine. If the consumption becomes a habit or if we take them in higher amounts, then the person becomes obese and the fat becomes accumulates in the liver. Foods Rich in Salt Salt intake does not help it in any way. Excess water cannot be removed from the body due to excessive salt intake.  Baked Food Items There is a large amount of sugar in these items. Higher amounts of their consumption lead to obesity.    Sasi Gastro & Liver Care will let all patients know about the exact cause of their liver damage condition. Diseases Fatty Liver It is also called a non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. It is caused due to excess intake of salt and sugar. Cirrhosis It is caused due to heavy alcohol consumption. Hepatitis It means inflammation of this organ. Many factors contribute this. It is of five types. Those are hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. Liver Diseases caused due to Genetic Conditions Many other liver diseases are caused due to excessive storage of iron and copper in the organs due to hereditary conditions. Treatments Anti-inflammatory medications to reduce the inflammation. Laparotomy. Hepatectomy (trisegmentectomy, total left lobectomy, total right lobectomy). Liver transplant. Laparoscopy. We, at Sasi Gastro & Liver Care, take utmost responsibility to treat the patients very well and explain to them about all the possible treatment options.

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Gastroscopy for throat, oesophagus, and stomach Gastroscopy is an endoscopic procedure that is used for identifying any problem in the throat, oesophagus and stomach. It is used to diagnose any issue in upper gastrointestinal tract. It is performed with an endoscope that is a pipe-like structure connected with camera. It is inserted in the mouth and sent to stomach through oesophagus. That camera is used to visualize the upper GI canal and the organs and find the cause of the symptoms.  Why do we need to perform Gastroscopy? It is performed to detect the exact cause of the severe stomach complications. It is also used to treat some severe stomach conditions like blockage removal in food pipe. In order to perform biopsy of a small part of any upper GI tract organ, then that particular part can be taken by performing gastroscopy.  Treatments done through Gastroscopy It is used in the procedure for stopping the bleeding in oesophagus or stomach. If there is any excess growth in the passage of this endoscope, we can removethem while performing gastroscopy.  If the patient is unable to swallow food by himself normally, it canbe done to send the food inside his stomach through this passage. If the food pipe becomes narrow, then it is used to widen theoesophagus.   Causes  If the patient has difficulty swallowing or painful swallowing, then itis used to determine the cause of it. If the patient has nausea and/or vomiting for a long period of time, then it is performed to know the reason for it. If the patient has indigestion or heartburn or severe stomachache and these symptoms are not cured with medications, then it is used to  determine the cause.   Does the patient get pain during gastroscopy? Simply, no. Because the patient is given sedatives or local anaesthetic sprays by the doctors before performing a gastroscopy. After completion of it, the patient may suffer throat pain or stomach ache that can subside within a few hours. Sasi Gastro & Liver Care provides the best gastroscopy procedure to your stomach conditions.

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